Guidelines for Author
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Journal of Computer Science & Application- The paper should begin with a title, author(s) names, institutional address along with email id, an abstract (not more than 200 words), and a list of key words. The paper must conclude with summary /conclusion at the end.
- The paper should be submitted with the given format specifications viz. double column, 1.5 line spacing, Times New Roman, 12 font size, 1†margin on all sides of the page and MS Word. Recommended length of the manuscript is 6,000 words.
- All tables, figures and charts should be in black colour and labeled. Wherever necessary, the sources should be indicated along with the same.
- Author(s) are expected to adhere to standards of correct academic writing. References should be in compliance with IEEE referencing style.
- The author(s) need to send his/her brief bio-data, the certificate of originality, and consent for publication.
- Manuscripts are required to be submitted in electronic version to researchteam@globalinst.in